Are These Bed Bugs Myths Hampering Your Pest Control Initiatives?
Bed Bugs are known to being a nuisance. This is especially true when it comes to all the comfortable parts of your home. That bed bugs feed on your blood is a known fact.
However, not many people are familiar with tackling a bed bug infestation. They can cleverly hide in places you may not even think of. To add to that, these pests have several myths surrounding them. These myths can not only cause a lot of panic but also prevent you from going ahead with an effective bed bug control and removal strategies.
Let’s clarify these myths through the experience and knowledge experts have accumulated over the years.
- Myth: They can cause Diseases: Yes, they do feast on your blood, but they are not known to carry out any diseases. This myth has contributed to many people getting worked up over bed bug bites. Unlike mosquitoes who also feed on your blood and are responsible for causing fatal diseases like dengue, malaria, etc. The common bed bug bite is relatively harmless. Do keep in mind that these insects can definitely cause sleep deprivation, which can, in turn, lead to other health concerns like loss of appetite, anxiety, poor concentration, irritability, etc. So it is best that you seek professional help at the earliest.
- Myth: They can’t be seen clearly with the Naked Eye: Bed bugs are often thought to be similar to fleas because both draw blood and are tiny. However, it isn’t true that bed bugs cannot be seen with the naked eye. They can be the size of an apple seed, but fresh after feeding they are a little swollen and are easy to spot. Your local expert can guide you on their behaviour, habits, hiding spots, physical characteristics and what to look for.
- Myth: Bed bugs are limited to bedroom spaces: Their name does include the word ‘bed’, but they really are insects that go after any comfortable spot. This may include your mattress, upholstery, the wood of your furniture and even screw heads. Due to this myth, many homeowners fail to look for them in the right places and/or anticipate their attack.
- Myth: They only bite at night: Bed bugs are nocturnal and do not like light. Hence, they are most active at night. However, this does not mean that you cannot be attacked during the day. They study their prey and once they are able to sense no more motion they can attack.
- Myth: A bed bug’s bite is easily recognisable: Now this is one myth responsible for delaying professional treatment because most people think a bed bug bite appears to look different. But the truth is not every body’s body reacts in the same way. Some may break out into a rash, while others may only develop a physical reaction after a couple of days. If you suspect bed bug activity, schedule an inspection at the earliest to avoid an infestation.
- Myth: You can kill them by rubbing Alcohol: DIY myths can often do more harm than good. This is definitely true in the suggestion to use alcohol to keep bed bugs at bay. Along with being ineffective, this DIY can also render your furniture and whatever surfaces you apply the alcohol to, flammable and dangerous. Bed bug treatment is most effective and safe when carried out by professionals using the right control and removal treatments.
- Myth: You can tackle them by yourself: This is a myth people have over most pests but this couldn’t be more further from the truth. You do not want to take them on by yourself as this could worsen the situation, trigger an attack, resulting in damage, and may even expose you to bacteria. It can be difficult to locate them considering their size and the places they hide in. Only a professional who is skilled, certified, and experienced would be able to take care of the problem successfully and safely.
- Myth: They love clutter: Where there’s clutter you can naturally assume there will be pests. Lack of hygiene and clutter can make your place a more inviting location. But this does not mean that bed bugs won’t appear where there is no clutter. Clutter gives them added places to hide but they are equally capable of surviving even without it. Hence it is important to carry out regular inspections.
- Myth: Beg bugs can fly: The myth that they can fly can be scary and also leave you feeling insecure and uncomfortable in your house. Experts say this myth is baseless and bed bugs do not have wings dispelling any concerns you may have about flying bed bugs attacking you.
Finally, you won’t have to deal with these myths and the worry surrounding them if you schedule regular bed bug inspection and extermination. Having professionals sweep through your property and examine any possible threats and entryways while also setting up proactive treatments in place can give you a sense of security and safety you need while at home.
About the Author:
Muzi Tsolakis heads Protect Pest Control a reliable, safe, and certified service for bed bug pest control and pest inspection Melbourne.